Conflicts between company owners, the difficulty of finding a successor to run the business and the lack of a long-term perspective for the business can even aggravate a company’s economic problems. Under such circumstances, the necessary changes are often either dealt with only half-heartedly or neglected altogether.

A clear ownership strategy and a well-arranged plan of succession are basic preconditions though if small or medium-sized (family) businesses want to achieve sustainable restructuring or strategic realignment. Taking that into account BGP assists entrepreneurs in

  • solving conflicts between owners, using a mediator where necessary
  • developing an ownership strategy that leads to consensus
  • devising a long-term corporate concept, including the adoption of the strategy, the business plan and the financing structure
  • developing a plan for the succession as well as methods of implementing it
  • searching for, selecting and qualifying an external successor
  • installing an interim general manager where there is an urgent unsolved succession problem

In order to deal with the complex problems that family-run companies often face BGP works closely with the business's accountants, tax consultants, lawyers and providers of capital. If necessary, BGP also employs specialized consultants from its own professional network.

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