Over the last twelve years, Dr. Bohnert has headed more than 60 performance improvement projects and strategic realignments. What is important to him is a balanced relationship between strategic and operational improvement in order to pave the way for a sustainable profit growth.

Heading more than 30 restructuring operations Dr. Bohnert was responsible for effective implementations as CRO and CEO, chairman of the board of a kitchenware company, chief representative of a medical technology company and Chief Restructuring Officer of a commercial enterprise, and a consumer goods company.

Before setting up BGP, Dr. Bohnert has been working as a merger manager for a plant construction and engineering company, where he was in charge of the restructuring and integration of three recently acquired companies.

Davor war er fünf Jahre bei der internationalen Top-Management-Beratung Arthur D. Little im Bereich „Restructuring and Corporate Finance“. Auslandseinsätze hatte er in Frankreich, UK, Russland, Spanien, Österreich und Schweiz. Die fachlichen Schwerpunkte von Dr. Bohnert liegen in der Unternehmensführung und –steuerung, der Strategieentwicklung, im Vertrieb und Innovationsmanagement sowie M&A.

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